Materials Technology Division (MTD)

The Materials Technology Division of CPRI is equipped with advanced and sophisticated materials evaluation facilities aimed at providing testing and consultancy services in the areas of materials engineering, Dynamic testing, wear and erosion resistant materials, electrical steels (CRGO and CRNGO), ceramic materials, failure & root cause analysis, coal and other fuels, industrial waste utilization, Nondestructive testing (NDT), and field engineering & consultancy services viz. condition assessment, Remaining Life Assessment (RLA), Renovation and Modernization (R&M) for power sector. The R & D areas are addressed to meet the requirements of the power sector.

consultancy projects
  • Materials Characterization and Conditions Assessment in Thermal Power Plants.
  • Remaining Life Assessment,
  • Corrosion Mapping and inspection of pipes & hangers in thermal plants
  • Environmental impact assessment of thermal plants and industries.
  • Extensive material property Characterisation (SEM, EDAX, XRD, and ICP-AES).
  • Failure Analysis of Engineering components.
  • Condition monitoring of lubricating systems.
  • Evaluations of wear life of components.
  • Tribological Studies on metallic, polymer and ceramic systems.
  • FEM and CFD analysis for stress, heat transfer, fluid flow and fatigue applications.
  • Abrasive species characterization in coal and ash
  • Metallography and Image Analysis.
  • Experimental fatigue and fracture toughness evaluation of materials.
  • Fatigue testing of components.
  • Preparation and evaluation of experimental alloys (melting and casting).
  • Novel processing and application of Plasma Sprayable.
  • Remaining Life Evaluation of plant components.
  • Field Metallography and NDE.
  • Residual Stress Measurement.
  • Particle/Powder characterization.
  • Corrosion behaviour of materials.
  • Artificial ageing of metallic and non- metallic materials using Weatherometer.
  • Water analysis for physical and chemical properties.
  • Blended Coal Firing Studies.
  • Design and Development of Instrumented Drop Tube Furnace or coal combustion studies.
  • Coal Abrasion Index (YGP) test rigs for Coal wear parameters.
R & D projects
  • Design and development of high temperature erosion test rig
  • Silt erosion  and cavitation study test facility
  • Failure and Root cause analysis of Power plant equipment like Boiler tubes, Turbine blade and hydro turbo generator shaft .
  • Design and Development of miniature scooping device for damage assessment of in-service high temperature power plant components.
  • Design and Development of Drop tube reactor for assessing pulverized coal combustion
  • Blended coal firing feasibility studies
  • Third party witnessing of coal sampling at power plants
  • Quantification of fly ash generation in pulverized coal power plants.
Department Contact Details

Shri. Mallikharjuna Rao T
Additional Director / HOD
Phone : + +91-80-2207 2463
Mob: +91 9422826022
Email: /