Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division (ERED)

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Division (ERED) takes lead in research and testing activities in the field of renewable energy and efficient and effective utilization of energy. The unit constitutes of 5 different labs.

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division has been accredited by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), New Delhi for conducting Energy audit in thermal power plants, process industries, buildings and commercial establishments. CPRI has several BEE certified. The Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

consultancy projects

ERED has comprehensive infrastructure, computational facilities and a team of qualified Engineers for providing energy services like conducting Energy audits and training Energy Managers.  ERED has been rendering the Energy audit and Energy conservation services for a variety of customers for more than three decades and has undertaken audits in several energy intensive industries, thermal power stations (TPS), stationary DG sets, oil refineries, refrigeration and air conditioning plants, star hotels and commercial establishments. From our vast experience, we envisage that there is scope for saving about 5 % to 20 % of the total monthly electrical energy & fuel consumption by implementing the energy conservation measures identified by us.

Technical energy audits (with aims ranging from identifying ways of energy efficiency enhancement to evolution of a new blue print for the energy system) provide insight into the modes of efficient utilization of fossil resources, high-grade energy and exploration of renewable energy solutions.

CPRI have conducted energy efficiency studies along with other Energy Auditors & ESCOs in major buildings like Rail Bhavan, Sanchar Bhavan, IGI Airport and AIIMS, New Delhi.

The studies have identified major energy saving potentials in Lighting system, HVAC system, Water pumping system, etc. By optimizing the use pattern & operational time of various loads, about 10-15 % yearly energy consumption can be reduced/ controlled.

Energy audit & Energy conservation studies profile:

Thermal Power Stations (Coal, Gas, Atomic, Oil, etc.)



Hydro Power Stations



Medium scale process & manufacturing industries



Port Trusts



Water pumping stations






Star hotels






Some of the specialized areas of energy services are performance evaluation of:

  • Boilers and combustion systems
  • Steam turbine generators
  • Auxiliaries: pumps, fans, mills, blowers, etc. and associated motors
  • Heat exchangers: feed water heaters, lube/seal oil coolers, gland/stack/vent steam condensers, etc.
  • steam surface Condensers
  • Cooling towers as per CTI ATC 105
  • Utilities: compressed air, water pumping, air conditioning, refrigeration.
  • Gas turbines, generators
  • Hydro turbines, generators
  • Electrical distribution networks transformers, cables and conductors, switchgear

Special Consultancy Services Rendered

  • Fuel Audit Study
  • Assessment and fixation of heat rate for regulatory bodies
  • Ex-bus capacity assessment of power plants
  • Technical minimum study



R & D projects

ERED takes up R & D projects for the energy sector. Some of the areas of R & D are energy conservation, modeling and simulation and development of energy instrumentation.

Recent projects are:

  • Condensate depression monitor.
  • Flexibility analysis of high energy steam/water piping.
  • Development of techniques for energy analysis of steam turbines
  • Development of pulverized coal flow simulator
  • Development of pulverized coal flow meter
  • Showcasing of energy conservation measures in an office building
  • Photo biological effects of LED lamps
  • Day ahead forecasting of solar power generation
Department Contact Details

Sudhir Kumar R,

Joint Director / HOD
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division (ERED)
Phone : + 080 22072368
Mob: +91 9480619142