Certification Scheme



Type of Certification Scheme: Type 1a of Table 1 of ISO/IEC 17067: 2013


CPRI Certification Scheme covers Product certification based on conformity assessment as per testing, evaluation and certification carried out by CPRI as a Product Certification Body (PCB) in accordance with National and International Standards for a wide range of Electrical Products covered under the Accreditation grant of NABCB for Product certification (Accreditation Certificate No. PC029)


The overall aim of certifying products, is to give confidence to all interested parties that a product fulfils specified requirements. The value of certification is the degree of confidence and trust that is established by an impartial and competent demonstration of fulfilment of specified requirements by a third party.


To carry out product certification, CPRI operates a certification scheme titled CPRI Certification Scheme for Electrical Products. The responsibility for operation of the Certification Scheme vests with the Certification Division of CPRI. It is a Type 1a scheme as per Table 1 of IS/ISO/IEC 17067: 2013.


This scheme covers the Certification of Type Conformity of wide range of electrical products in accordance with the requirements of applicable normative documents i.e. national or international Standards.

Product Certification activity will be taken up based on the review of application submitted by the applicant. Subsequent to acceptance of the application there will be an agreement made between the applicant and CPRI (Product Certification Body).

The product physically submitted by the applicant at the time of certification shall be subjected to conformity assessment by CPRI in accordance with the procedures and formats covered under the scheme.

The responsibility of the applicant and CPRI is based on the acceptance of the mutual agreement entered before the process of conformity assessment.

The access to the scheme is in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17065 and the scope of the Product Certification covered under the scheme and as accredited by the NABCB.

CPRI guarantees its applicants with reference to impartiality & confidentiality for the Certification process.

Based on the product meeting the conformity assessment with reference to the relevant product standards the decision of issue of certificate shall be made by CPRI (Product Certification Body)

Scheme Terminologies:

Certification scheme

Certification system related to specified products, to which the same specified requirements, specific rules and procedures apply



The products will be evaluated by means of testing at CPRI laboratories


Test Report

The test reports are issued by the CPRI laboratories to the Certification Division for review and conformity assessment to the respective product standards (Option 1)


 The test reports are issued by the CPRI laboratories to the Client who will further submit it to Certification Division for review and conformity assessment to the respective product standards (Option 2)


Test report contains the Test results obtained by means of testing at CPRI laboratories and which permits the traceability of the activity carried out (drawings, Test Reports, Calibration Certificates, laboratory check-lists, etc.).


Review of the evaluation test report

The Certification Division which is the Product Certification Body of CPRI will review the Evaluation Test Reports for conformity with the specific requirements of the product standard.


Certificate of type conformity

Certificate of conformity that attests that a product is in compliance with a particular Standard or other normative document.



Scheme owner

Certification Division, CPRI is the scheme owner of CPRI Certification Scheme for Electrical Products.


Impartiality Committee (IC)

Committee established to ensure the impartiality in the process involved in the Scheme. The Committee has one-year tenure.

Scope of product certification:


The Scope of Certification covers for a wide range of Electrical Products as in the link https://cpri.res.in/accreditations-recognition

The clients can explore for the certification of their products, in the link provided above for approaching CPRI for Certification.



The Scheme deals with the certification of conformity of products with the requirements of applicable normative documents based on the conformity assessment which comprises of

The Samples of the Customers are submitted for Type Test conformity with respect to relevant Product Standard covered under the Scope of Products which the CPRI Laboratories are accredited under ISO/IEC 17025. The scope and relevant standards are as listed under the link in the Product Section above.

The client shall submit the duly filled application form along with necessary documents, make payment for Testing & Certification, and execute an agreement with Certification Division, CPRI for obtaining and maintaining the product certificate.

The Samples will be evaluated by means of testing at the CPRI Laboratories. The results of the tests will be reviewed for the conformity and Decision made for Certification




Upon qualifying the conformity assessment activity, a product is given a "Certificate of Conformity" stating the compliance of the product as per the requirements of applicable normative document(s).


According to the Standard ISO/IEC 17065, the access to the Scheme is not discriminatory, and is open to any Applicant submitting a formal request.


The Applicant shall submit to CPRI a formal request, duly signed, using the available application form supplied by CPRI, for each desired Certificate.


The Application shall be reviewed for qualifying requirement to undertake the certification Process in accordance with the Scheme, Product Standard and the ISO/IEC 17065 applicable during the process. The Applicant will be informed for acceptance or Rejection of the application based on the application review.


The Certificate of conformity with the applicable reference normative documents requires the performance of the type tests as prescribed by the normative documents. These activities shall consist of Performance of type tests carried out in the laboratories of CPRI.


The scheme provides the following options for obtaining product certification

  1. Option 1 -

The Client approaches the Certification Division of CPRI for Product Certification. The certification Division will forward the samples to CPRI laboratories for evaluation by means of testing in accordance with the specific requirements of the product standard. The test results of the test report(s) will be assessed for conformity to the product standard and the certificates will be issued based on the conformity assessment.



  1. Option 2 -

Client approaches the Certification Division of CPRI for Product Certification based on the test reports issued by CPRI laboratories within One year from the date of issue. The test results of the test report(s) will be assessed for conformity to the product standard and the certificates will be issued based on the conformity assessment.


If the results in the test report do not comply with the specific requirements of the product standard, the product certification will not be granted to the applicant.


Conditions for maintenance

It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure the proper use of the certificate. Any misuse of the certificate by the Client brought to the notice of Certification Division of CPRI or noticed by CPRI will result in suspension or withdrawal of the certification by CPRI after thorough scrutiny.

Validity of Test Certificate

The Test Certificate issued under this scheme is valid as long as there is no revision either in the product design or in the relevant national/international standards.

In case of revision of the national/international standards, it is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that their products are tested and certified as per the latest standard.

Verification of genuineness of a Certificate

Utilities/ Customers/ End Users of the Product Certificates for verification of the genuineness of Certificates submitted to them from Product Manufacturer, shall address for the verification to

Shri. S Shyam Sundar

Joint Director & HoD

Certification Division

Central Power Research Institute

Prof Sir C V Raman Road,

Sadashivanagar Post Office, P.B. No. 8066

Bangalore – 560 080

Email: shyamsundar@cpri.in

Mobile: +91-9449057569

  1. All complaints shall be sent by a written communication to HoD-Certification Division.

           Shri. S Shyam Sundar

           Joint Director & HoD

          Certification Division

          Central Power Research Institute

          Prof Sir C V Raman Road,

          Sadashivanagar Post Office, P.B. No. 8066

          Bangalore – 560 080

          Email: shyamsundar@cpri.in

          Mobile: +91-9449057569


  1. All such complaints received are registered in the Compliant Register available at Certification Division.
  2. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, Certification Division, CPRI shall acknowledge the same and confirm whether the complaint relates to certification activities for which it is responsible.
  3. The HoD - Certification Division, CPRI shall gather and verify all necessary information (as far as possible) to progress the complaint to a decision.

  1. Within 90 days of receiving notification of the Certification decision, all appeals must be submitted in writing to the HoD-Certification Division, CPRI.
  2. All such appeals received are recorded in the Certification Division's Appeal Register.
  3. When the Certification Division of CPRI receives an appeal, it acknowledges it and confirms if the appeal relates to certification activities for which it is responsible.
  4. The HoD - Certification Division, CPRI will collect and verify all required facts (to the extent possible) in order to move the appeal forward to a decision.

  1. Shall make no changes in the design or component make of the cited equipment model during the Certification process.
  2. CLIENT shall inform CPRI immediately regarding any change in the constitution of the CLIENT in the event of any amalgamation, merger or division of the CLIENT during the subsistence of this agreement, voluntarily without any follow-up from CPRI
  3. The CLIENT shall inform CPRI immediately, of changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements such as major changes to the Quality Management System, modification to the product or the production method etc. including the change in location.
  4. During the Certification, if any other documentation / information is required, on receipt of the letter / E-mail from CPRI, CLIENT shall submit the same within one week.
  5. The CLIENT does not use Certificate in such a manner as to bring the CPRI into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding the certificate that the CPRI may consider misleading or unauthorized.
  6. If the CLIENT provides copies of the Certification documents to others, the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety.
  7. In making reference to its product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, the CLIENT shall ensure that such reference is restricted only for the scope covered in the certificate.
  8. The CLIENT shall keep a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and makes these records available to CPRI when requested, and
    1. takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirements for certification;
    2. Documents on the actions taken;
    3. Make necessary arrangement for investigation of major complaints by CPRI
  9. CPRI will issue certificate of conformity on satisfactory completion of evaluation process establishing conformity to the requirements of the Certification scheme, specific requirements of product standard and ISO/IEC 17065 standard.


The applicant seeking Certification of their products under ISO/IEC 17065 may please contact:

Shri. S Shyam Sundar

Joint Director & HoD

Certification Division

Central Power Research Institute

Prof Sir C V Raman Road,

Sadashivanagar Post Office, P.B. No. 8066

Bangalore – 560 080


Email: shyamsundar@cpri.in


Mobile: +91-9449057569


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue date: 10th March 2021 CPRI is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Certifying Bodies (NABCB) for Product Certification of Electrical Equipment as per ISO/IEC 17065 Accreditation Certificate No. PC-029 NABCB is a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF) & International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) & Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) as well as signatory to its Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) for Product Certification --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------