Publicity Band Public Interface

Homepage Of RTI
Part 1 - Organisation and function
Part 2 - Budget and programme
Part 3 - Publicity band public interface
Part 4 - E. Governance
Part 5 - Information as may be prescribed
Part 6 - Information disclosed on own Initiative
RTI Quarterly Reports

3.1 Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of[Section 4(1)(b)(vii)][F No 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013]

Arrangement for consultations with or representation by the members of the public

Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizens

The Institute has brought out a Citizen Charter detailing the facilities available with it

(Click here to view Citizen Charter)

As per the guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission, Ministry of Power has appointed a Chief Vigilance Officer. The details giving name and contact address with phone number has been prominently displayed in all the centers of CPRI.

Chief Vigilance Officer of CPRI

Contact Vigilance Cell

Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations, Bye-Laws, Working Rule No. 1 & Working Rule No. 2 of the CPRI society (click here).

Arrangements for consultation with or representation by

Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation

Day & time allotted for visitors

Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants

Not Applicable

Public- private partnerships (PPP)

(i) Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any

Not applicable
(ii) Detailed project reports (DPRs) Not applicable
(iii) Concession agreements. Not applicable
(iv) Operation and maintenance manuals Not applicable
(v) Other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP Not applicable
(vi) Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorisation from the government Not applicable
(vii) Information relating to outputs and outcomes Not applicable
(viii) The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.) Not applicable
(ix) All payment made under the PPP project Not applicable

3.2 Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them[Section 4(1) (c)]

Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive;

(i) Policy decisions/ legislations taken in the previous one year

Not applicable
(ii) Outline the Public consultation process Not applicable
(iii) Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policy Not applicable

  3.3 Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public [Section 4(3)]

Use of the most effective means of communication

(i) Internet (website)

Click here to view Bye-Laws

Click here to view Annual Report

  3.4 Form of accessibility of information manual/ handbook[Section 4(1)(b)]

Information manual/handbook available in

(i) Electronic format

Click here to view Bye-Laws

Click here to view Annual Report

(ii) Printed format

  3.5 Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not[Section 4(1)(b)

List of materials available

(i) Free of cost

Click here to view Bye-Laws

Click here to view Annual Report

(ii) At a reasonable cost of the medium